Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yes, I know

Well, here it is the new year and I still don't have anything up on this site yet! I have been sick with the dizzy spells that I sometimes get for the last three weeks. But good news....I got my sewing table cleaned off and my ribbon all unpacked. So soon......very soon.....there will be something up here!! Thanks for your patience!



Davina Perret said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog giveaway. Just wanted to let you know that the legislature as of yesterday has postponed the 3rd party testing and certification standards until Dec. 2010. Great news. So start your bow company! Good luck.


Nancy Sabina said...

I'd love to see some of those adorable tooth fairy pillows like you made for your daughter. I'd totally buy one of those because I could never make one as cute as yours! And by the way, if you're interested in feeling things out a big on Etsy I'd be happy to list some of your stuff in my shop. Maybe just as a mid-point until you get going. Let me know if your interested. nancy dot sabina at gmail dot com