Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yes, I know

Well, here it is the new year and I still don't have anything up on this site yet! I have been sick with the dizzy spells that I sometimes get for the last three weeks. But good news....I got my sewing table cleaned off and my ribbon all unpacked. So soon......very soon.....there will be something up here!! Thanks for your patience!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Coming Soon

I didn't want to leave this blog completely empty, but after the first of 2009 something really exciting is coming here. I love to be crafty and mostly it's girly stuff. Let's be honest there isn't much out there to craft for little boys. But once I figure that out.....I will get that up here too. Anyway, it is going to be things like, tutus, hair bows and extra. Doesn't that sound like fun? Well, I better get dinner ready. Please stop back soon!